[11:06] MikeCMercury: Oh no! Cathy is ending :( :( :( :([11:06] robomax: I hope it ends with a murder suicide
[11:06] robomax: ...BY CHOCOLATE[11:07] MikeCMercury: ACK! Cathy's had a brain parasite for the past 25 years and is still a fat load in a hospital bed!
[11:08] MikeCMercury: Her husband and weight loss are imaginary constructs of her diseased mind![11:09] robomax: Cathy vomits up a satan fetus and the world ends
[11:09] robomax: ACK[11:11] MikeCMercury: Cathy kills tila tequila and wears her skin, crying that now she is finally beautiful.
[11:11] MikeCMercury: MONDAYS, HUH?[11:13] robomax: you know that scene in i love lucy?
[11:13] robomax: with the chocolate and the conveyor belt?[11:13] MikeCMercury: Yes[11:13] robomax: it's basically that
[11:13] robomax: but with infants
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Another Chat Log
Friday, July 30, 2010
What I Done Did Today

It started, innocuously enough, with me posting this picture of today's ensemble, because I am a fop. I noted that besides footwear, it was generally a Tennant-y look. Friend of the blog Max Robinson had this to say:
Velcrobinson If @moddelusion is dressed like David Tennant today, my black slacks/black&purple polo makes me a temp for COBRA.Simultaneously, we shared our thoughts on the topic:
Velcrobinson We get to celebrate Tomax/Xamot's birthday today. Two cakes, but they're both coconut. Ugh #COBRAtempAnd just like that, it led to the following, slightly edited but presented For Your Edutainment.
ModDelusion Inter-office volley ball vs. Hydra today. Hope it's less confusing than when we took on Kobra in the semi finals. #COBRAtemp
ModDelusion @velcrobinson now to figure out what Cobra Commander's order for C.O.F.F.E.E. means. Is it an acronym or is he autistic? #COBRAtemp-\m/ike
ModDelusion @velcrobinson "Cobra Officer's Favorite Fluid- Exluding Eggcremes" is probably what it stands for. Cobra Commander loves Egg Cremes. #COBRAtemp
Velcrobinson @ModDelusion They're REALLY big on acronyms. Destro showed off some new troop transport called "T.R.U.C.K.". Dude was so proud. #COBRAtemp
Velcrobinson @ModDelusion what the hell is an egg cream?! CC keeps asking for them and I'm running out of things to pretend to staple #COBRAtemp
ModDelusion @velcrobinson I usually stock his minifridge with them on mondays, but now I'm mailing out the invoices for Weather Dominator parts. #cobratemp
Velcrobinson The thing in the lobby is either a really nice coffee maker or the Weather Dominator. Either way, I'm not fucking touching it #COBRAtemp
Velcrobinson Zartan told me to stop making eyes at his sister(??). Then he told me to wash the Dreadnoks' bikes or he'd beat me up. #COBRAtemp
ModDelusion @velcrobinson You lucked out, bro. I had to wax destro's HEAD. Dude made noises that made me want to yell for HR. #COBRAtemp
ModDelusion Man, having The Countess teach the sexual harassment course is like having a grenade teach a course on workplace safety. #cobratemp
Velcrobinson @ModDelusion Bro, stop calling The Baroness "The Countess". That's her sister and they HATE each other like wet cats #COBRAtemp
ModDelusion Not as bad as when we were in that assembly and I was like "YES COBRA CAPTAIN" and destro just made that face like "STFU." #cobratemp
ModDelusion YES!!!! Snake Eyes garrote-wired my cubicle mate- now I have it all to myself! And we're getting chinese! #cobratemp #highlifebitches
ModDelusion So I just put the bagels and schmear in the conference room... I think Cobra Commander is having a meeting with @Kanyewest??? wtf #cobratemp
Velcrobinson @ModDelusion Who do you think pays for all this crap? Terrordome, Hovertanks, Cristal-powered killbots? All thanks to @Kanyewest #COBRAtemp
Velcrobinson Dr. Mindbender is straight-up wearing a cape with no shirt & leather pants. #casualfriday is a double-edged sword at this place. #COBRAtemp
ModDelusion Yeah dude, I forget The Baroness is foreign sometimes until she comes in with one of those velour tracksuits on, looking like a GTA IV character. #casualfriday #cobratemp
ModDelusion @velcrobinson I just checked our contract- we don't even get college credit for this, man. Joes and random murder for nothing. We should have just gone through with that Foot Clan Summer Karate Fantasy Camp thing. #cobratemp
Velcrobinson @ModDelusion MAN UP. $9 an hour and weekly Arby's coupons. You can't get a better deal in this economy. #COBRAtemp
(Fuck yeah, it's Friday)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Awful Comic Book T-Shirts (Part One)
Max: Hi folks, I'm Max Robinson of Hive of Scum, with me is my good friend and fellow starchild, Mike Pfeiffer of The Mod Delusion (Which you're reading RIGHT NOW).
Mike: Max and I often go out to get comic books together (Surprise) and make movies (That totally rule) and we are real life bros. Peep this halloween style:

Mike: Let me posit this: the terrifying idea of playing baseball against Frank Castle
Max: For real, though, I hate these kind of shirts. You only ever see assholes wearing them. Just look at this dude. You don't want to be in line behind this dude.
Max: The perfect shirt for any grateful dead fan, dragon fan, or batman grateful dead dragon fans.
Mike: Suitable for framing in your Led Zeppelin listening room of choice
Max: Zombie Spider-Man. Playing poker. I don't even know what to make of this.
Monday, May 17, 2010
NIGHT FIGHT: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes Edition
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Hey! Turns out I go to school
So in reality, I'm a college student who writes things sometimes. Here's a 2000 word treatise on how we're being treated like idiots.
EDIT: You know what, here. Here's a playlist to listen to while you read this.
Beat on Repeat:
Why we're still partying like it's 1959
In 1957, Miles Davis released an album called "The Birth of the Cool," a compilation of tracks from 1949 and 1950. And brother, when it comes to prescient album titles "The Birth of the Cool" cannot be beat. The title ostensibly refers to the "Cool Jazz" style of the record, but I could care less about Jazz. The fifties are where Cool was born. Cool, the essential teenage life-fluid that every single advertising agency in the world has been trying to bottle and sell back to the young. The difference between owning a leather blazer (ugh) and a leather jacket (rad). The 50's were when all the swirling influences from history coagulated and the first miners of its ideals like Brando, Dean, and the early Rock 'n Rollers came together to make up the trends that cool people are still following today. With the help of smash hit movies, the standards were set. But once the floodgates of teenagers with disposable income were open, they were hard to close and studios played have played to the same exploitative styles for decades since, with varying degrees of success.
Understand first where the idea of cool comes from. This, Miles Davis and his contemporaries definitely had a hand in. The idea of "Cool" is actually far older than the 1950's. African tribes at least as far back as the 1500's have revered the characteristic that they called "Itutu," which closely resembles the basis of coolness, namely an almost otherworldly detachment from reality. While western cultures valued sang-froid, or a "coolness of blood," the african concept embraces a more creative nonchalance1, as opposed to aristocratic demeanor and composure. And that's where Miles Davis and the rest of Jazz crew come in. Black bebop musicians jump-started the bohemian beatnik revolution of the fifties and, like Rock 'n Roll, it filtered down through until white postwar suburban teens. Clearly, the longstanding ideal of making people like you by not caring if they like you has its roots further back than anybody who used the phrase "Daddy-o."
Friday, January 22, 2010
SON OF FUCK YEAH FRIDAYS (Shit yeah Saturday?)

In Latveria, failure to party on designated party days results in immediate execution. (PS, that picture is by Paul Pope- and is it not the raddest thing you've ever seen?)

- Party and Bullshit-Biggie
- Ain't Nothin' But A House Party-J. Geils Band
- Partyman-Prince
- Party All Day (Fuck All Night)-Steel Panther
- Party Time- 45 Grave
That said, I'm actually not the hardest partier in the world. I do, however, live next door to a certified Party House. It glows and shakes as the eldritch gods on the other side of some portal reach through to its living room with crepe paper tentacles, spitting confetti and vodka. The men who live there are champions, and I adore them. No matter who shows up, no matter what music is playing- the party goes on. I helped a friend base a movie off of them called Monster Frat, a love letter to their devotion to partying and basically being radical.
I'm there for many reasons on any given day. Sometimes just because it's Thursday, one time to celebrate Life Day, the wookiee holiday from the Star Wars Christmas Special. One time I came in and found every housemate in black hoods with knives in the air over a prone figure with stark lighting higlighting the lines in their face like it was the Party City of Dr. Caligari. Once they saw I was there, they put down their knives and turned to look at me. "Dude. We're filming a tribute to Alfred Hitchcock- Do you know any blondes?" They rule hard. Their music taste is eclectic, they never fail to have smiles and high fives and rarely, if ever, turn people away.
But even these titans of good-spirited hedonism can't compare to one man: Andrew WK (Pictured at right). Andrew WK is the pastor of the church of partying. He parties so hard, as a matter of fact, that there are actually theories that he is a fabrication of the flagging music industry- No one man could party so hard. No mortal could party

Regardless of these rumors- I believe in the legend. I've read at least ten interviews with him, and every time he comes off as not only intelligent, but funny and secure in a philosophy of feeling good- not a drugged-out condescending asshole who thinks he's the messiah. He's like the Bizarro Nathan Explosion from Metalocalypse. As a matter of fact, the more I think about it- the better the comparison is. Check them out in a patented Mod Delusion Side-By-Side©.

And you know what? It is inspirational. Andrew WK's music is uplifting as shit. It is music that makes you want to dance. I actually can't do it justice, here's a playlist of his first album, I Get Wet, along with "Party Party Party," a song he wrote and performed on Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Take this and use it at all future parties.
One of my closest friends lives there in the corner penthouse of the Party Central. He and I have developed a solution that is now essential to all our partying: It is called The Omega Solution, and this is how you make it. There are very few hard and fast rules, this is mostly just guidelines.
- You're going to need some supplies. The essentials are Whiskey (Cheap), Dr. Pepper (cold), MD 20/20 (Lime), Ice (7 cubes per cup), Pop Rocks (Your choice of flavor), and a nice classy collector's cup from 7/11. We here at Mod Delusion headquarters usually use a matching set of Transformers 2 Collectors cup. Are they essential? No. Does cheap whiskey mysteriously taste better in them? Yes.
- First, the ice. Seven cubes usually does it, as long as they're cubes and not those pussy ice crescents.
- Then, the whiskey. Decide how blasted you're going to get. Danny Devito on the View? Or full-on Guns 'n Roses? Pour accordingly.
- Add the MD 20/20. This is hobo wine, if you're not acquainted- your mouth WILL turn colors.
- Dr. Pepper is one of the last steps. Use the ole' Dr. Pepper to fill the cup almost all the way to the top, hopefully with the ice floating up near the top. After all, the ice is the scaffolding for the next step.
- POP ROCKS. This is the true signature of The Omega Solution. Tear open your package of pop rocks. Give thanks to mother earth, for it is her grace that has given you these magic rocks. Then, in synchronization with your partner (Never drink the omega solution alone! It's just not fun.) pour the pop rocks on top of the ice, after securing your protective goggles. If you've done it right, the pop rocks should rest on top of the ice and spark all over the place like some kind of God-Drink.
- Apply your Keith Richards Mask.
- Party.
This post got sedate in between steps one and two because I'm watching the last episode of Conan O'Brien's Tonight Show run. So since nobody' reading anyway, I'll take a second to talk about why it matters to me. Conan's been an inspiration to me since I watched my first episode of the Late Show in 2003. The way he worked the crowd and the way he was so gracious and enthusiastic and spontaneous inspired me instantaneously. For one reason or another I look at Conan as a kindred spirit, and everything that he does makes me think that my dreams are possible. Seeing him take over The Tonight Show was like an affirmation of everything I could hope for and it's crushing that he had to give it all up so soon. I know he'll bounce back, but this is pretty heavy for me.
Sorry for the wall of text, but that's the most melancholy this blog will ever get. This one is dedicated to everyone I get to party with at school and everywhere else but especially a close friend and Gaga Enthusiast whose birthday is this auspicious Fuck Yeah Saturday. She is also a champion of merriment. Oh, and if you're partying any time soon, make sure you look this good:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Things that are Fucking Insane
So where did that video lose you, huh? Was it when R. Kelly drove the Batmobile through the ghetto? Was it the fact that he repeatedly describes Gotham as a city of Justice and a city of Peace, betraying the fact that he has probably never read a comic book? Or is it the fact that when you put it together- none of it makes any fucking sense? It's very clearly a song that R. Kelly wrote about Chicago and then realized he needed two more gold toilets to really complete his mansion so he decided to get in on that sweet Batman and Robin Money. Before you know it, he's balls deep in Batmobile leather and pissing like Midas himself. This song was a NUMBER 9 HIT. NUMBER FUCKING NINE. Between this and grunge fasion, is there any way we can go back in time and bomb the nineties?
Wash the taste out of your mouth with the equally batshit but much less self important video for Prince's Batdance, also a hit when it was released in conjunction with 1989's Batman.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Out-Of-Commission Quick Ones

- The picture above is Debbie Harry, Blondie frontwoman, side by side with Lady Gaga, current world ruler. Now, Her Gaganess has been up front about who she loves and where she gets her influences from. But, the similarity in these two pictures makes me wonder if she had seen this photo of Debbie and it hid somewhere in her subconscious until she needed an idea. I love them both, but the similarity is real funny.
- You're on the internet, right? You're a champ? So why are you not looking at Mitch Ansara's fucking fantastic I Can Read Movies series? You are, right? Okay, good. because if you're not, you're missing out to the max. The basic idea, in case you're completely pop culture illiterate, is to introduce a little graphic design to movie posters instead of making them ill-photoshopped star's faces fading all over the place. I mean, take a look at the original poster for Mean Girls:

- Now that's a poster. Go check those out.
- I'm a mostly skinny man, but I know I won't be staying that way for long. I know that if I don't take care of myself, I'll be sweating whole chicken nuggets by the time I'm 25. Same goes for my hair- It's falling out with disturbing rapidity, so I have got to keep that shit on lock. So what can a man do to try and cheat mortality? I'm going to start by taking care of myself and exercising, which is a very out-of-character thing to say. However, I've found inspiration in this video starring the man I just wrote over a thousand words about.
- Well look at that. I want that stomach, if not the teeth. That video is apparently the original version of the AWESOME space one that i posted before. You can see a lot of the stuff that's in the final version in this early draft, and I'm very fond of the lightning bolts. I may have to pilfer that in a future video.
- Oh hey, Big Damn Heroes. Looks like you got something, there. What is it boy? Is it you guys playing your NUMBER ONE SUMMER JAM and theme song, Big Damn Heroes? With lyrics mumbled by Mike Pfeiffer and Dylan Roth, and rhythm affairs pounded down by Jammin' Julian Ames and David "The Mavid" Fruhling? Golly, it sure is.
- NOTE: Big Damn Heroes was only a number one summer jam on the "Music I've written and also enjoy listening to" charts. It was also the only item to chart, pretty much ever. The recording's a little shitty, but we had fun.
- Are you following the Tumblr yet?
- Rock.
Friday, January 15, 2010
It's friday afternoon here at Mod Delusion headquarters, but get ready for super party time with The Darkness. I personally cannot listen to this song without busting out into dance moves. There's not a night in recent memory that I haven't jumped and flipped my way home from a party with this in my ears.
Or, if you're throwing a party, let J. Geils inspire you with this BANGING hit that I was just made aware of, House Party.
Fuck yeah.
Some quick ones
- So there's a movie coming out about The Runaways, where my favorite lady in rock, Joan Jett, got her start. I'm excited to have a movie about the Runaways, but supremely worried that it's starring Kristen Stewart whose acting career so far has proven that a cucumber has enough charisma to make it in Hollywood. Also, Dakota Fanning is in it and the way she looks is making me feel confused in my pants.
- Oh, and by the way- if you like all this, you'd more than likely be a fan of Young Liars. The design of this cover
(on the left) should be enough to make you curious. It's an insane comic about young people being awful. Like It's Always Sunny, but with more genital mutilation and cool listening suggestions at the beginning of each issue.
- If you're enjoying the blog but want to see me fag out about rock fashion and old bands more often, I invite you to follow my tumblr, which is updated often enough that you'll soon be insisting that I either get a job or see a doctor.
- Additionally,if you somehow found your way to this blog but don't know me personally- welcome! That's me, over on the right. I like to rock. I think this is mainly a blog about music, but I could see it becoming a pop culture blog just as quickly.
- I am never going to stop hating the word "blog," or stop being embarassed that I have to use that word to describe what I like to write in.
- I have a band, and we are Big Damn Heroes. I play with three of my best friends and we make music that is fun. If you're wondering what we sound like, I'm going to try to post a file every once in a while on the tumblr. Dylan, who you should bug to start writing again at his blog Top 5 Everything. If you're lucky, he'll come here and do an entry because he is also a bangarang writer, musician and source of trivia for all things popcultural.
- Oh yeah, this is the band.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Number Three: Justin Hawkins

Pertinent information about Justin Hawkins:
- His Ebay username is "Turbogunhawk"
- He wears jumpsuits, like that gorgeous number above.
- He's the former frontman of dearly departed favorite The Darkness and current frontman of Mod Delusion MUST LISTEN band Hot Leg.

But really. Hawkins is a wonder. A genuine wonder. Not only a fucking incredible guitarist (I dare you to listen to ANY of his guitar solos and not have to collect dripping bits of your face afterward) but he's got a great story. Why don't I tell you what Wikipedia and other internet trawling told me:
Justin Hawkins and The Darkness started playing together in 2000. You probably know them best for their Glam Rock classic, I Believe in a Thing Called Love. It's not exactly hard to understand why I love them, especially when you watch this video.
God, look at that. Sci-fi. Pagaentry. Glam rock. Look at those fucking glorious men. Just when you think Radiohead and Coldplay and Nickelback can't make Rock any less fun, this fucking song busted up the charts. I mean honestly, if the climax of that video didn't make you stand up and put the horns in the air, you are a terminator. The Darkness's premier album, Permission to Land, shot to number one and went quintuple platinum. That album had a MEEELYUN hits on it, I work hard to get them in rotation at parties because nobody ever dances to rock anymore, despite the fact that a lot of it is preposterously danceable.
Okay, so after fucking conquering the world with Permission to Land, they released a christmas single called Christmas Time (Don't Let the Bells End). If you've ever wondered what it would be like if Queen recorded the greatest christmas song in history, it sounds like this.
It almost made number one until it was overtaken by something else that was not as awesome.
So yeah, they were pretty good band.
"WERE?" You're saying, spitting out 20 year scotch onto the arm of your manservant, Ruprecht. "You mean I can no longer have my brain fucked out by those blazing guitars and completely inescapable choruses which leave one singing in falsetto for the rest of the day?" You signal for Ruprecht to fetch you some aspirin. "But... why?"
The Darkness were on top of the world, and that's when the trouble started. Hawkins' cocaine habit reached new highs as they went into the studio for their second album, One Way Ticket to Hell... And Ba

Justin came out clean and has stayed that way to this day (Bless his cheeky face. Look at him up there. We're with you, big guy.).
The healing done and feeling all squeaky clean, hawkins came back to the music that he loved. He did a duets with beverlei brown, sang backup for def leppard, wrote a BALLER pro-green song called Do It In the Dark that has just rocketed to the top of the "Music to bone to" charts- He is a man who TRULY loves making music. And he's very very good at it. Even after he made it all the way to the top and fell all the way to the bottom, he is still making classics. He didn't miss a beat.
His newest project is Hot Leg, and I'm just bonkers for them. They're the same sort of glammy bluesy metal that The Darkness was, and I sure hope they're around for longer than one album. Their debut, Red Light Fever is BANGARANG. I played this album until everyone but me hated it. Jeeeezus, the man knows how to write a song. Here's Hot Leg in all their glory. This was their CHRISTMAS SINGLE, and it rocks ass.
But why do I love Justin Hawkins? Clearly, he's a stone-cold Hit Machine who oils his gears with the blood of lesser men. But my personal affinity for him comes from some very

That man is like some incredible MI6 experiment to breed all the best traits of David Lee Roth (Jumpsuits, acrobatics) with all the best parts of Freddy Mercury (Wailing voice, fist pumping songs, sometimes mustache) and then mixed glitter in the vat just to make sure that the glorious tub-child would never stop shining. He's a wonder. Definitely in my top five of dudes I'd like to see playing live, because he is just THE BEST.
By the way, the video for Panama has just come on the TV, and it is only reinforcing my stance on Hawkins both owing a lot to and being better than David Lee Roth. Yes, David's on a wire and swinging from the ceiling and it's all quite well and good. But in concert, Justin would fly through the air on a fucking white tiger while squealing out solos.
And that's why there's no room for David lee Fucking Roth on the Crush Object© list.